Community Clean Ups
This is your chance to do something proactive to help our waterways! Litter on school grounds, streets and parks often gets washed into creeks. Join a cleanup and be part of the solution!
Forsyth County Creek Week Cleanup with Yadkin Riverkeeper
Saturday March 22, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Anderson Building
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, NC 27107
Come out with Yadkin Riverkeeper for a cleanup of Salem Creek. Gloves, trash bags, and a limited number of trash grabbers will be provided. So, bring your friends and meet us at the Anderson Building parking lot (WSSU campus)!
Please register below!
(2) CLEANUP WITH YADKIN RIVERKEEPER - Albert H. Anderson Jr. Conference Center | Facebook
Plirding with Forsyth Audubon
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Newell Massey Greenway, Winston-Salem
Plirding means picking up trash while birding! Is this a good event for you and your family? Do you enjoy walks, observing wildlife, and hate to see it mixed with harmful trash? Then join Forsyth Audubon for this "out and back" bird walk. We will look for birds on the way out and pick up trash on the way back. Binoculars available to borrow. Please bring used plastic grocery bags, gloves, and your curiosity. Parking is available next to the Winston Waterworks Water Park at 3584 Winston Lake Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27105.
Saturday & Sunday, March 22-23 2025
Clemmons is looking for groups of energetic people (homeowner associations, school organizations, scout groups, a group of friends, etc.) who are interested in working together to clean up creeks, streams or roadways in their neighborhoods. You pick the area and time that works best for you. Vests, gloves and trash bags will be provided. Pre-register with the Clemmons Stormwater Department at 336-766-9170 or by emailing . Requests will need to be in by 12pm Thursday March 20th. Requests received after 12pm March 20th unfortunately cannot be processed.
Peters Creek Cleanup in Hanes Park
Saturday March 22, 2025 at10am
Hanes Park (meet at the parking Lot)
719 West End Blvd Winston-Salem, NC 27101
As part of Forsyth County Creek Week join the Central Library for a community creek clean up. We will be collecting trash and recycling from Peters Creek through Hanes Park in downtown Winston-Salem. To register or for more information email or call 336-703-3020.
Supply Pickup - Kernersville Litter Clean Up
Supply pickup 8am - 5pm
509 Michael St
Kernersville, NC 27284
Come by and get your supplies for litter pick up. Let us know your area or we can assign a location. Please register so we have enough safety vests, gloves and trash bags for your group.
Sign Up Link Coming Shortly………
Saturday, April 5th 9:00 to noon
Various locations around the City
Contact Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful
Volunteers needed to cleanup parks, build flower beds, and more
Sponsored by Keep Winston Salem Beautiful.
Sign up here: Great(est) American Cleanup Tickets, Sat, Apr 5, 2025 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite
The Great American Clean Up in Winston-Salem is coordinated by Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful and is part of the national Great American Clean Up, coordinated annually by Keep America Beautiful. It will take place in neighborhoods, parks, schools and waterways throughout the City.